Environmental Services for Industry

noise surveys, vibration, air quality & sampling, ventilation, asbestos surveys & testing, thermography & air tightness testing

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Noise Surveys – Industrial & Environmental

JTEC Environmental carry out the following:

Control of Noise at Work Surveyssendenquiry

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations require that noise levels are measured at regular intervals to establish that the 'everyday levels' are 'safe.' If an employee experiences daily noise exposure of 80dB(A) or peak exposure levels of 135dB(C) then they will exceed the First Action Level resulting in an obligation for the employer to take some form of action. This may range from as a minimum of providing suitable hearing protection to engineering solutions to reduce noise levels.

Environmental Noise Impact Assessments

Planning & Noise.

A noise impact assessment carried out to NPPF requirements gives guidance to the planners about the impact on residents of the noise levels at the site. The NPPF suggests the relationship that the noise levels have as to whether planning permission should be granted taking account of both day and night-time noise levels.

BS 4142:2014 Assessments

Method for Rating Industrial Noise affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas.

JTEC Environmental can advise on actual or potential noise nuisance from either a complainants perspective or from the noise emitter.